October 2013

October 2013

Enjoying one another’s fellowship, enriching one another’s lives, encouraging each other’s growth, those are the things I look for in my friendships, associations, partnerships and collaborations.

As I sit, on this damp, lovely grey, autumn Saturday, in my place of work, my place of vocation more accurately, I know fulfillment in all that I do. As I revel in the changing and falling leaves, it is, at this passage in my life, easy to see my course: always aiming for fulfillment, from that which emerges from peace and happiness and gratitude for what my life, my living, holds.

Even my neighbor, Lisa (Pot & Box: potandbox.com) reminds me of the fulfillment that arises from this so-called life of supposed coincidence and kismet. She bounds in full of enthusiasm for, and enjoyment in, what her associate has created for a wedding bouquet. We marvel at our businesses and our nearness.

I say, “If the synergy ain’t there then get to a there that’s got it,” (or as Fred says, “Remove the negative”)! Liberate yourself from what is gloomy and discern for yourself that which has an inspiring and radiant energy. The “good vibrations” of the Age of Aquarius are no joke. When the place or the person registers as pleasing, there is greater health, success and well-being. Fulfillment and satisfaction, that is my pillar; that’s what I am pondering today… as the leaves fall and the sky darkens and the free-spirit rises.
